Granite Hill Storage

1574 Hooksett Rd (Rte 3)
Hooksett, NH 03106
[email protected]


Select Your Unit At Site: Granite Hill Storage

Granite Hill Storage
1574 Hooksett Rd (Rte 3)
Hooksett, NH 03106
[email protected]

Complete this form to reserve a unit or make an appointment

( * Required fields)

First Name:*

Last Name:*

Email Address:*

Phone Number:*




Postal Code:

Date Needed On:*

Questions And Comments:

Click here to make an Appointment without selecting a unit.

TypeSizeClimate ControlledMonthly RateMonthly RateAvailable 
Heated Motorcycle Storage No Yes Select
Heated Motorcycle No Yes Select
Cars $50/ RV's up to 35ft $65 No Yes Select
Cars $50/ RV's up to 35ft $65 No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Ground Container No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select
Self Storage No Yes Select

Reservations will be honored for 7 days.